Uniform Guidelines for Barrows STEM Academy
Students in Kindergarten through grade 8 will wear long or short-sleeved, collared polo shirts. Color options will be blue, grey, or red. Shirts will have the school embroidered STEM logo.
Please note that students in grades 5 through 8 must purchase at least one red polo shirt (used for special events).
If students choose to wear a short or long-sleeved shirt under their uniform that can be seen, the shirt must be solid-colored white, grey, red, navy blue or black.
Sweatshirts, sweaters, and fleece jackets with the embroidered STEM logo are permitted in school. Hoodies, including ones with the Barrows Logo or other non-logo outerwear will not be allowed during the school day.
Students will wear khaki, navy blue and black, solid-colored pants. Jeans, athletic-style, and sweatpants are not allowed.
Students will be allowed to wear non-denim, non-mesh, and non-sweat pant material khaki, navy blue or black, solid-colored shorts/skirts/skorts. The length should be two inches above the knee or longer.
Students must wear sneakers to school. Students may wear snow/rain boots to school but must change into sneakers upon arrival. Shoes with wheels are not permitted. Slip on shoes like “Crocs” and UGGs are not permitted.
Distracting accessories, as determined by administration, are not permitted.
No student should attend school without a uniform but no student will be denied school for the day because of a lack of uniform. Students who come to school out of uniform will be given a uniform for the day and the parent will be called by the classroom teacher to inform them of the issue. If a student is out of uniform a second time a parent meeting will be required and parent will bring in uniform. Any further violations will activate an expectation meeting and consequences will be made as determined by the school administration.
Any items requiring the school logo may be ordered from Darter Specialties
If you are going through a hardship and are in need of uniforms please contact the Family Liaison.